Real Shit

The Moment I Found Out I was Having a Girl

The moment the words “It looks like you’re having a girl” came out of the ultrasound technician’s mouth, I felt about 20 things at once. Mainly fear.

You can see my exact facial expression in this poor quality photo:

I’ve always pictured myself having a girl. My whole life is pretty dang girly. I have pink velour couches. All the paintings in my apartment are of women. My cats are Alice and Rose.

Then why do I feel so scared about my future being female?

I guess because I am one. When I heard the word, “girl,” my mind instantly created a montage of…

The arduous moments in my life

Craig from Grade 6 stealing and reading the love note I wrote to my first crush Clayton out loud to everyone on the bus.

Throwing a screaming fit when my mom wouldn’t let me shave my legs.

Getting dropped by a talent agent because I wasn’t booking enough gigs.

Being dumped for the first time.

Spiraling down into an eating disorder.

Getting sexually harassed but being too scared to say anything.

Losing a job I loved.

Am I ready?

I’m afraid of watching my own daughter go through these scenarios. I question whether I’m emotionally ready to go through them with her.

But the more I think about it, the trying times are the ones that have shaped me into who I am. They have made me strong and given me perspective. Perspective a totally smooth ride wouldn’t have given me.

They make up the arsenal I will use to fight through these scenarios with her.

As my belly grows, the initial fear is turning into excitement. There have been more good times than bad and I love the life I’ve lived so far. From now on, I’m going to focus on…

A new montage

My first kiss.

Landing a role on a TV show.

Meeting my best friends.

Dinners with my family.

Falling in love.

Getting a dream job.

Overcoming an eating disorder.

Getting married in Las Vegas.

Seeing a positive pregnancy test.

Finding out it’s a girl.

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